For Those That Relate
For those that relate
Whenever I date, my mindset is we are equal, I don’t pressure for anything , that doesn’t mean I don’t want something. And something isn’t always materialistic.
Something could be love , comfort,security, a shoulder to lean on, playfulness, child like behaviour, funny , material things ,sex etc. But honestly this is so hard to come by, or will I say they could not to give me that because I have that and it’s like, you already have all that, I can only give you money.
I do have money, but ok give me money.
Now when there is no money , what else can you give to me??????
Anger, frustration, insecurities, intimidation.
Why are you giving me that, That wasn’t our agreement when we met?????
Well that is all I can afford, I don’t have other things you need or want, it’s only money or material things I really think I’m worthy to give.
Okay calm down, I have given you all what I require from you , why can’t you learn from me?
I don’t know how to, I wasn’t taught that way,
How old are you again?
Hmm 20-25?
Ok I think your childhood development has been altered .
How can I help you?
I don’t know? This is all I know?
Okay calm down, I’m understanding okay?
Anger walks in again,why are you understanding,
Do you pity me?
Oh no, I understand, because I can see where the lacking is coming from,
I do understand and stand by you.
More anger
More anger
Money comes,
We are happy again
Money reduces
Anger comes in,
The cycle continues.
Later they go their separate ways.
After years and years of damages,
I don’t understand, what’s really going on????
Now there is so much money
But no love,
All they want is money,
I have so much but everything feels off???
I need someone to talk to someone,
A therapist
I have got money but no loyalty or love?
Aside from money what do you have,
Perplexed 🧐
Nice house,
A lot of friends,
I mean just really good stuff
So what’s the problem?
I feel empty regardless!!
But you have all of this???
I’m not happy regardless
I mean I’m to an extent but I want more.
When you was younger the only thing you had was money,
Now still money,
But no love
There can’t be love, When the foundation wasn’t built on love
But love can be achieved when we make it our essence.
When are we ever gonna be safe!!!