The Dialogue

The dialogue

You act like a man, No man wants you.

Why? you said I act like a man , So why will a man hate me for being just like him?????

But you should act more feminine.

How does a feminine act?


Explain lady like to me

Don’t argue,

Tone your voice down,

Be submissive,

Pretend not to be richer than him,

Act unintelligible,

Just don’t take up space,


So he can like you better

Wait did I define him?

Why does he wanna define me?

You know if you act like a man, People will feel intimidated?

But men are not suppose to be intimating, we are suppose to feel safe around them just like being safe around women too.

Girl you argue too much, that’s what I’m still talking about.

Wait I can’t have an opinion?

You don’t understand me

Why should I understand you but you aren’t understanding me

Whatever man.


What’s your definition of a man?

Some one who can fight for you when you are in danger,

Protect you from other men and animals

Fend for you,

Take you out,

Protect you,

Wait why am I being protected from other men?

You know they can be dangerous atimes

Why are they dangerous?

What makes you think I can’t save myself?

What if there’s no man, Wont I save myself?


See I want who will do all that but why can’t  I take up space just like him?

I don’t know man

You know I can be myself and he can still be all that for me?????

You can’t have it all.

Well obviously not from you.

